The Word of God
Daily Passage:
16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Devotional Thought
There is no substitute for the Word of God in the Christian life. That’s why it is important for us to make sure that the word of God is a priority in our lives. As we look at today’s passages, we see that all scripture is inspired by God. That means it is special and passed down to us from the Holy Spirit through human writers that God led to write. It also tells us that it is useful for Christians because it prepares us for life.
Let’s look at a few things it says in this passage.
- Profitable for teaching.
God’s word teaches us new things about His character and how we are to live out the Christian life.
- Profitable for rebuking
God’s word, through the spirits working in our hearts, has the ability to show us when we are wrong.
- Correcting
God’s word not only shows us when we are wrong but also puts us on the correct path.
- Training in righteousness
God’s word trains us in the things of righteousness and helps us know right from wrong.
- All that leads to us being equipped and ready to do what God has called ALL Christians to do. To live according to his ways and to tell others about the good news of Jesus.
Try singing to listening to a song together. Here is a suggestion. You can use your phone, search YouTube, or pull out an instrument.
Living Word – Jeremy Camp
God your Word is living and active. Please let your word change me into the man or woman you want me to be. Help us as a family to listen to your word and be committed to living out what it says.