Serving Is Worship
My first ministry job out of high school was to lead music at a small church in our community. I remember going in there and knowing nothing but how to play guitar and sing. While the church needed a worship leader they got a song leader. There is a difference. A song leader is someone […] Read more…
Ponder this
It is good to ponder… We often feel overwhelmed and busy with our everyday lives that it can be hard to find the time to sit and think. We just go from one task to the next. If your a parent you go from one event to the next being the family taxi is a […] Read more…
God’s Amazing Grace
Grace is defined as getting something you don’t deserve. If there is one word that describes the Christian faith the best it is grace. Grace – we don’t deserve forgiveness. Grace – we don’t deserve to be loved by God. Grace – we don’t deserve Jesus sacrifice. Grace – we don’t deserve the blessings he […] Read more…
Battle Belongs
We live in a very defensive society. In today’s climate you have to be very careful what you say as to not offend someone. It does feel like we are in a battle with serious consequences. A battle of moral and ethical implications. Biblical values vs world values which are normally diametrically opposed. We can […] Read more…
Kingdom Mindset – Merciful
Share on Facebook Facebook Looking at attitudes that are befitting of those who follow Christ, I hope you notice that there is a strong sense of humility in each one. Humility is a quality that Jesus exhibited most frequently and at great cost. It was a model that he wants us to follow. Mercy is […] Read more…
Kingdom Mindset – Spiritually Hungry
Share on Facebook Facebook The kingdom mindset is one that is one of continual progression. When God gets a hold of our heart and mind our daily attitudes and action should begin to change. What Jesus is teaching us is that his people are to embody the kingdom of God and that requires a mindset […] Read more…
Kingdom Mindset – Meekness
Share on Facebook Facebook As we look at the beatitudes, we see a progression that flows from poor in spirit to mourning then from meekness to seeking God. It all starts with humility. Humility that causes us to turn from our own sinfulness by comparing my sinfulness to God’s holiness then humility that causes me […] Read more…
Kingdom Mindset – Mourning over sin.
Share on Facebook Facebook The attitudes that should come out of Christian citizens builds upon one another. We start at the bottom by acknowledging our poorness and absolute spiritual bankruptcy apart for Christ. Then we realize of our own sin. From brokenness and humility to repentance. Blessed are those who mourn. – Because we are […] Read more…
The Kingdom Mindset
Share on Facebook Facebook The passage we are studying tonight gives us a fresh glimpse into the kingdom mindset. Jews had been brought up in such as way that religious performance was held above all other things. As long as you were righteous looking on the outside by your words, actions, and dress then you […] Read more…
Jesus Speak Truth
Share on Facebook Facebook Jesus speaks truth (Sermon on the Mount) One of my favorite passages in the Bible is called the Sermon on the Mount. I first heard about it when I was in kids’ choir, and we did a musical called the “Sermon on the Mound”. So, for a while I thought that’s […] Read more…
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