Today I want to come to you with one word. If there is a word that we could live by that would change our lives it would be INTENTIONAL. This word is a change of mindset. Are we going to let life come at us and react to life or are we going to intentional about the things that we allow in our lives.
Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14 ESV
Over the past few weeks I’ve had the privilege with gathering with some of the parents at our church who want to grow in this area of their life. We are not perfect far from it and by our own admission we have a long way to go but We understand that in order to grow we have to be intentional.
We have covered the importance of passing down faith to your family and at what ages children can grasp the concepts of faith. Last night we talked about family devotions.
I want to thank Sean Aland for leading us on June 1st.
For so many of us as parents we feel unqualified or unprepared to lead our families spiritually. But we are reminded in
His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, 2 Peter 1:3
This includes the ability to lead our family spiritually. We wont always get it right but with all that the world is throwing at our families doing nothing in not an option.
The best thing about family devotions is they are on your schedule. So, if the morning works for your then go for it. If it’s at the dinner table or in the car do it then. It doesn’t matter when just do something.
So many options are available for you and you can choose what works for your family. You would want to start with the bible. A Proverb a day maybe? A simple devotion from the bible app or any daily reader is a great place to start. There are many print and digital options. I will include a few in the video notes.
How long?
You know your family. If it were up to me we would have a full on worship service each time complete with songs and preaching! But I would get a lot of rolling eyes and end up hurting the cause. So we have realized that keeping it short and simple really helps. If you have older kids they can handle a longer discussion. If younger then maybe a verse and a question is all that can be done.
As long as we intentional about getting God’s word in the hearts and minds of our family God will honor that.
God’s word and family devotion is not a silver bullet for all family problems. But what I have seen when we do family devotions is tension in our home breaking down and we can function as a family could and should.
When God is put first and your kids see that they will model what they see.
Make it priority and know that I am praying for you.