When it was day, he went out and made his way to a deserted place. But the crowds were searching for him. They came to him and tried to keep him from leaving them.
Luke 4:42
Going a little farther, he fell facedown and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
Matthew 26:39
Like most people, at the end of a busy day I feel tired, overwhelmed, and on edge. I arrive at home and try to hold it together to give the family ”something”. There is homework, dinner, and other night time activities to be done. Then finally when its all done I can catch my breath.
In my home it is In the stillness of the morning I can see things more clearly. After a good night’s sleep I get up and spend time in prayer, Scripture, and solitude, with coffee. God refreshes my soul and I can do it all over again.
It might seem that during seasons of life, when time is hard to come by, that spending time in stillness and mediating on scripture and God is counter productive. But those who take the time to do this realize how important it is. There is no substitute in the Christian life for the Word of God. But where do we ”find time” when we can’t “find time”.
Stay up late
For some this is impossible you can’t keep you eyes open any longer. Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is just go to bed. However, sometimes it is choosing to not watch another episode and instead read the Bible or another Christian book before bed. This could help you wind down and put your mind focused on the things of God at the end of the day.
Get up early
When you live in a house like mine with 4 kids the only time of peace and quiet is when they are in bed. I get up early before anyone else is up, except my wife, to make sure I get some quality time in the Lord. I read scripture, other Christian books, and pray. The coffee helps sharpen my mind for understanding in the dark hours of the morning.
I understand that this is not for everyone and at times it is impossible for me as well. But this is a discipline that I have added to my life years ago and has shown lasting fruit in my life. When I consistently do this I am more spirit-filled, patient, and see God’s opportunities in my life. I am also more pleasant to be around.
Take advantage of idle times
People find themselves waiting often. Whether for a meeting, doctors appointment, or in the pick up line at school. What are you doing with that time? Are you scrolling facebook? Is there something more beneficial you could do during that time?
You can take you Bible with you or pull up the Bible app and read scripture from that. There are time when I play solitaire or scroll FB but when I know that I will be waiting I typically will bring the Bible or other Christian book, focused on spiritual growth to leadership.
Use drive time.
I know many of you that are in the car may have people with you and it may not be possible to listen to something in the car. But you can use the drive time as conversation times. Having conversations in the car can help your faith as well. And kids always seem to have the profound questions when we least expect it. Use that time.
If you are able to have some time alone in the car use an app such as Bibleapp, audible, or Scribd to listen to the Bible or other Christian books. You may not be able to comprehend it all but it is a wise use of time. You will be surprised what you pick up by listening to a book or podcast.
It doesn't always happen
All of these instances are what happens on the perfect day. Normally if I try to stay up and read I get through 2 sentences and fall asleep. When I get up early, before the caffeine kicks in a find myself reading the same 2 words over and over. Often when I am waiting I waste my time scrolling FB and getting frustrated by the things I see and read.
When we are intentional we can find the time we need. It will lead to us being more focused on what God wants for our lives and we are able to ignore the fear produced by worldly lies. It will also lead to more opportunities for you to be used by God in someone else’s life, because you are in tune with God working around you.
So don’t give up when you feel overwhelmed. I promise you can find the time when you can’t find the time. Keep your head up, take a deep breath, and invite God and His Spirit in to help you realize the fruit of the Spirit in you.