Today marks the beginning of a new journey for us. It’s not that we are just starting this journey, you have been on it your entire life as a Christ follower. But what I hope to do as your Young Adult Pastor is come along side and equip and encourage you as an individual believer, as a parent, and as a spouse.
I would like to do a video once or twice a month that will help me fulfill my calling as a pastor, to equip the saints, and if you are a believer that you! As a human we know just how hard relationships are whether that as a husband, a parent, friend, or coworker. So, we will tackle subjects that speak to a variety of issues including marriage, parenting, discipleship, spiritual growth, and daily Christian living.
The most important thing we need to understand on this journey is that it is a journey. None of us have arrived and have a long way to go. As we begin that’s where I want to start with you…
When Jesus called his first followers, he said come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. He didn’t say come follow me and let’s go fishing. He said come follow me and I WILL MAKE YOU fishers of men. We are told in Philippians 2:3 For it is God who is working in you both to will and to work according to his good purpose.
Once you submit yourself to God By Grace through faith for salvation in Jesus. You are saved but not perfect. As you and others around you know there is still a lot of work to be done. But we can be encouraged from Philippians 1:6 That he who began a good work in us will carry it on to competition. God does his part. Are you willing to do yours?
Again in Philippians is says “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” (2:12)
A few Helpful Resources
the Bible App -
Reading Plans:
Recommended Books
List of Small Groups

What are you doing to stretch your spiritual muscles and grow? You may think this is basic but if we don’t have a good foundation we will never grow to become fully devoted followers of Christ. So How does it start?
- Time with God
- In his word personally
- In worship corporately
- Time with other Christians
- Sharing new truths
- SS/Small Groups etc..
- Telling your story
- Time serving Others
- Growing you heart for God and others as you serve
I have attached some resources that you may find useful.
Again this is just a start of what I hope to provide for you as I seek to equip and encourage.
Feel free to leave comments or suggestions for topics you would like to see covered.